Top 80 radio playlist - Titres diffusés

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27.02 04:18 - MICHEL JONASZ - Unis vers l'uni
27.02 04:11 - ATLANTIS - Keep on movin' and groovin'
27.02 04:04 - KIMERA AND THE OPERAIDERS - The lost opera
27.02 04:00 - STATUS QUO - Whatever you want
27.02 03:56 - DONNA SUMMER - The wanderer
27.02 03:51 - ROSE LAURENS - Africa (Megamix 89)
27.02 03:45 - FORREST - Feel the need
27.02 03:38 - GINO VANNELLI - Wild horses
27.02 03:32 - ART OF NOISE - Dragnet '88
27.02 03:26 - JULIEN CLERC - Partir
27.02 03:20 - SYBIL - Don't make me over
27.02 03:14 - HAZEL O'CONNOR - Will you
27.02 03:10 - OPUS - Live is life
27.02 03:06 - JO LEMAIRE ET FLOUZE - Je suis venue te dire que je m'en vais
27.02 03:00 - BEE GEES - Night fever
27.02 02:56 - JEAN - JACQUES GOLDMAN - Il changeait la vie
27.02 02:49 - SPAGNA - Easy lady
27.02 02:43 - SCOOTER - Minute by minute
27.02 02:36 - BLACK BOX - I don't know anybody else
27.02 02:32 - MARIE MYRIAM - Sentimentale
27.02 02:28 - JON ANDERSON - Is it me
27.02 02:22 - THE COOL NOTES - In your car
27.02 02:18 - QUINCY JONES FEATURING LUTHER VANDROSS AND PATTI AUSTIN - I'm gonna miss you in the morning
27.02 02:13 - LOUISE LEONE - Passée la nuit
27.02 02:07 - JEAN BEAUVOIR - Feel the heat
27.02 02:00 - SHALAMAR - There it is
27.02 02:00 - CHRISTOPHER CROSS - All right
27.02 01:55 - TONY VELLA - Night life
27.02 01:52 - ALAIN SOUCHON - Banale song
27.02 01:46 - DOUBLE YOU - Please don't go
27.02 01:41 - BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN - Streets of Philadelphia
27.02 01:35 - LEE PRENTISS - Love this way
27.02 01:32 - LES COSTA - Amour peau de chagrin
27.02 01:27 - MINNIE RIPERTON - Lovin' you
27.02 01:24 - SANDRA - I need love
27.02 01:18 - BON - ROCK AND THE RYTHEM REBELLION - Searching rap
27.02 01:14 - PATRICK BRUEL - Pour la vie
27.02 01:07 - PHATS AND SMALL - Feel good
27.02 01:00 - FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD - Relax (Mega story mix)
27.02 00:59 - FOREIGNER - Urgent
27.02 00:52 - PET SHOP BOYS - Suburbia
27.02 00:46 - GARY LOW - How much
27.02 00:40 - LAROCHE - VALMONT - T'as le look coco
27.02 00:34 - KOOL AND THE GANG - Misled, Fresh
27.02 00:29 - B.F.I. - Why not Jazz