Top 80 radio playlist - Titres diffusés

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22.02 20:52 - NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK - You got it (The right stuff)
22.02 20:46 - IMAGINATION - In and out of love
22.02 20:39 - LISA LISA AND CULT JAM - Let the beat hit 'em
22.02 20:36 - LIO - Mona Lisa
22.02 20:30 - SIMPLY RED - Jericho
22.02 20:24 - FRANKIE SMITH - Double dutch bus
22.02 20:17 - STARDUST - Music sounds better with you
22.02 20:13 - PARTENAIRE PARTICULIER - L'amour à trois
22.02 20:08 - DANIEL LAVOIE - Ils s'aiment
22.02 20:06 - BIMBO JET - La balanga
22.02 20:00 - ERIC GABLE - Process of elimination
22.02 19:57 - AL HUDSON AND THE PARTNERS - You can do it
22.02 19:53 - ANDREW GOLD - Thank you for being a friend
22.02 19:47 - EROS RAMAZZOTTI - Una storia importante
22.02 19:43 - ORGANIZ - Can we talk about it
22.02 19:37 - BILL BAXTER - El secundo (Version Boom Boom)
22.02 19:33 - PATTI AUSTIN AND JAMES INGRAM - How do you keep the music playing
22.02 19:29 - STRANGLERS - No mercy
22.02 19:22 - RICK JAMES - Give it to me baby
22.02 19:19 - CHRISTOPHE - Sénorita
22.02 19:13 - ERIC MILLER - Nous, on rêve
22.02 19:08 - FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD - Rage hard
22.02 19:03 - FAITH HILL - Breathe
22.02 18:59 - VILLAGE PEOPLE - Y.M.C.A. '89
22.02 18:56 - INTRIGUE - Like the way you do it
22.02 18:51 - MODERN TALKING - Cheri, cheri lady
22.02 18:46 - GÉRARD BERLINER - Louise
22.02 18:41 - LENNY KRAVITZ - It ain't over 'til it's over
22.02 18:37 - PHIL FEARON AND GALAXY - Fantasy real
22.02 18:31 - MADONNA - Like a virgin
22.02 18:24 - FLORENT PAGNY - N'importe quoi
22.02 18:17 - VANESSA PARADIS - Tandem
22.02 18:12 - PAUL YOUNG - Don't dream it's over
22.02 18:08 - TEDDY RILEY FEATURING TAMMY LUCAS - Is it good to you
22.02 18:03 - LLOYD COLE AND THE COMMOTIONS - Lost weekend
22.02 17:49 - LES RITA MITSOUKO - C'est comme ça
22.02 17:43 - INNER LIFE - Ain't no mountain high enough (Original Larry Levan mix)
22.02 17:40 - TWO MAN SOUND - Charlie Brown
22.02 17:36 - RAM JAM - Black Betty
22.02 17:29 - BEE GEES - One
22.02 17:24 - FRIDA - I know there's something going on
22.02 17:18 - CHRISTIAN BARHAM - Les filles sont folles
22.02 17:14 - DEBARGE - Be my lady
22.02 17:07 - BARRY WHITE, JAMES INGRAM AND QUINCY JONES - The secret garden